Ericsson Nikola Tesla 
Corporate Social Responsibility
Ericsson Nikola Tesla defines its business vision as a desire to create the prerequisites for prosperity in Croatia through leadership in a new economy that will be based on recent communication technologies.
About Company
Basic information about company
Ericsson Nikola Tesla advocates/promotes a society dominated by knowledge, democratic relations, by the culture of entrepreneurship, innovation, and openness towards new ideas.
Modern communications solutions are in many aspects rooted in the inventions bestowed to the world by Nikola Tesla, globally relevant visionary whose name is a part of the name of the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla stands for World Class Quality in all areas of its business.
The purpose of the Ericsson Customer Satisfaction Program is to collect feedback from customers about Ericsson’s performance as a supplier.
Interface for the reception of requests
The information relates to HW repair for the equipment and the parts during the warranty period and afterwards.