CTIA Wireless 2010 
Remote Patient Monitoring System
EMH received positive feedback

International CTIA Wireless 2010 show has been held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, from March 23rd to 25th. CTIA, now ongoing for 25 years, is one of the largest events in the wireless industry, gathering professionals, exhibitors, media analysts and press from all over the world.

The show covers innovative solutions from the wireless and converged communications, wireless broadband, and mobile web computing and data industries.


Ericsson Pavilion at CTIA 2010 showed a great number of demos. Ranging from core network elements, like CDMA network architecture, high speed mobile backhaul services and solutions, new elements for HSPA and LTE networks, new controller nodes, all the way to different innovative services and solutions in the areas of Mobile advertising, social networking, service development, and many others.


The concept of adjacent industries shaped and showed in MWC in Barcelona has been transferred to CTIA as well. One of the worlds shown was Health World, consisting of four demos, Mobile Health Care, showing the possibilities of LTE networks for healthcare applications, Mobile Microscope, Connected Home and Remote Patient Monitoring. As a concept of Remote Patient Monitoring, Ericsson Mobile Health solution developed by Ericsson Nikola Tesla, has been demonstrated and presented to over 100 visitors. We had the great pleasure to demonstrate EMH to several delegations from the FCC, and Assistant to the President Obama and CTO, Mr. Aneesh Chopra.


As CTIA is an operator event, all major US operators were also familiarized with the EMH solution.

It has been a great event, where EMH has received quite a lot of attention and positive feedback from the industry.
