EMH at Med-E-Tel 
Remote Patient Monitoring System
EMH Presentation

The international conference Med-E-Tel, hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth, took place this year from April 14 to 16 in Luxembourg.

The conference saw many impressive presentations about interesting business cases, researches in medicine, pilot projects, experiences from practice in medical sphere and telemedicine activities as well as discussions, which all show experiences from telemedicine and pointed out its future prospects. The conference attended participants and guests from more than 50 countries, and the promotion of Ericsson Mobile Health (EMH) solution was very successful. The given solution covers the remote measurements of vital body functions, and was developed by Ericsson Nikola Tesla research team.


The hosts at the company exhibition area were Mario Ravić the EMH program leader, Ana Sablić, consultant for medical issues in EMH unit, and Tomislav Maljevac marketing and sales manager of the same unit, who demonstrated the operation of our solution several times a day, and gave a presentation within the conference program.


Med-E-Tel was aimed to a wide range of attendees, including medical equipment manufactures, representatives of scientific institutions and companies dealing with the telemedicine product development as well as established experts in medicine. That is why it was even more important for the company team who made, the advantages of EMH solution, known to a wide range of professionals, as well as to they set up contacts to numerous potential partners, who show their interest in it.
