MWC 2010 
Remote Patient Monitoring System
EMH successfully presented

The world–class exhibition of mobile communications products and the supporting industry, GSMA Mobile World Congress (MWC) that was held in Barcelona finally come to a close. Within 5 worlds of Ericsson, Ericsson Nikola Tesla successful presented EMH (Ericsson Mobile Health).

Besides other novelties coming from its traditional areas like network, multimedia and services, this year, Ericsson presented solutions for five important industries named 5 worlds. Along with the promotion of the new brand Ericsson presented the following segments: traffic, public administration, healthcare, municipal services and media. Within the Healthcare world, the corporation presented all its initiatives connected to the new healthcare solutions. This also covered EMH3.0 solution fully developed by Ericsson Nikola Tesla specialists. Mario Ravić, EMH 3.0 program manager, made some hundred presentations to numerous media and possible customers from Europe, Middle East and North America, during four day exhibition. The presented solution enables remote measurement and handling of vital patient functions. Also, only this solution within Ericsson Healthcare world will be commercially available at the market .With EMH solution, numerous visitors saw the demonstration of the following: Assisted Living, which gave an example of home care oriented service; Health Worker Collaboration, the solution offering the increase in the healthcare personnel efficiency at the site; Connected Health, a future concept of personal health supervision; Mobile Healthcare Survey, which is and electronic questionnaire on health status, to be answered to by mobile telephone, and Mobile microscope, prototype of using the advanced SonyEricsson mobile phone instead of a microscope.


For the purpose of the total corporate appearance, a film was shot in Zagreb on „E-Health Croatia“ project   , which was recognized by the SMART 2020 Report, and placed amongst 25 global ICT solutions which by implementing state-of-the art technologies positively influence the quality of life and environment.