1st Telemedicine Congress in Tunis 
Remote Patient Monitoring System
Telemedicine; The Future of Medicine!

Doctors and patients nowadays don't have to be in the same room for treatment. In fact sometimes it's best if a patient can stay home. Telemedicine makes it possible to provide optimal health care at a distance!

Ericsson took part in the 1st Telemedicine Congress, which recently took place in Tunisia and was present with its own presentation during the one day congress untitled ‘Ericsson Mobile Health’.

On this occasion, Tomislav Maljevac , EMH Marketing and Sales Manager and Ana Sablic EMH Medical Advisor grasped the opportunity to introduce the Ericsson e-health solutions and the Ericsson Mobile Health services as well as information packets about EMH.


They pointed out healthcare Challenges nowadays among which Growing number of Older people and the increase of chronic diseases. They also introduced some basic information related to EMH solutions that could help to solve the problem via remote patient monitoring system which provides individual support when and where needed.


Ericsson speakers demonstrated during their conference session Ericsson Areas of Application such as Chronic Disease management, Home Care, Health and Wellness Programs.
T.Maljevac and A. Sablic addressed the stakeholders and target groups who are involved in Mobile Health Introduction and they also highlighted advantageous and benefits of this Mobile segment.

Ericsson Representatives in this congress closed their session by providing the audience with Ericsson References in this field and Ericsson contribution and experience in previous e-health projects all over the world.

Ericsson's e-health presentation on the Tunisia Telemedicine Congress delivered by T. Maljevac and A. Sablic was received with a lot of interest, both by medical and business circles. Many new and useful business contacts were gained. This first e-health conference in a way emphasized the company value as Telecommunications for the Greater Good.