Corporate Governance 
Ericsson Nikola Tesla adopted the Corporate Governance principles
The Corporate Governance denotes the framework and rules of conducting business and supervision in a company, with the objective to create a long-term economic value for shareholders.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla follows the international trend and is among the forerunners in Croatia who adopted the principles of corporate governance as a constituent part of their operations.
These principles are founded on the legislation of the Republic of Croatia and on the recommendations given in the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. Emphasis is put on equal treatment of shareholders, higher transparency and responsibility towards all stakeholders and also on a clear definition of rights and relations between the Managing Director, Supervisory Board and shareholders. The Corporate Governance Principles were approved by the Managing Director and the Supervisory Board of Ericsson Nikola Tesla.
Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla
Corporate Governance