Collaboration between Ericsson Nikola Tesla and HrPro 
System integration in Grawe Croatia

Human resources have become a significant part of modern companies engaged in service providing activities. Accordingly, the continued large business growth of the insurance company Grawe Croatia is also closely connected with the (recently carried out) informatization of their human resources management system. 


After they had analyzed possible solutions and market offerings, Grawe Croatia chose HrPro's HrNet application and Ericsson Nikola Tesla as the leading ICT system integrator - an asset in the project realization/implementation.


The itself is a comprehensive human resources management and remuneration system that includes all company processes relating to human resources. The entire system is based on the intranet and Internet technology and adequate user interface so that process administration, distribution and control are considerably simplified for the users/owners of individual business processes. The system also includes the time category so that transparent monitoring of organizational changes, workplaces and employees data is possible.


In view of the large functionality range, ETK expert team first prepared - in collaboration with human resources specialists from Grawe Croatia - an analysis of given state and defined the desired state of HR business process. During the realization/implementation of the project the existing processes were optimized and the new ones were defined for optimal usage of system features.
Ericsson's specialists carried out the interface adjustment of Grawe's business applications and proved an excellent choice to perform business systems integration.


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