Corporate Social Responsibility 
ETK donation to Elementary School Nikola Tesla in Rijeka

In the year in which the world marks the 150th year of birth of the scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla undertakes a whole range of activities as a socially responsible entrepreneur to show that it supports development of knowledge in Croatia. That is why the company's activities in that area are directed at young generations. Thus, on the occasion of the Day of the Elementary School Nikola Tesla in Rijeka the company president Gordana Kovačević, M.Sc., in the presence of the mayor Vojko Obersnel, handed over to the school an interactive ultrasound presentation board, a modern educational tool that will support the improved students' results.

"Cherishing the principle of the corporate social responsibility for cooperation with young people that are the country's future I wish to point out on this occasion that Ericsson Nikola Tesla aims to convey to young people the specific knowledge required for growth of the Croatian economy. We wish to create prerequisites for the followers of Nikola Tesla's innovative path not only in our company but also in the wider community", commented G. Kovačević.

The interactive ultrasound presentation board ensures the use of the latest ICT functionalities in the educational process. The Primary School Nikola Tesla staff will have the opportunity to undergo a program that will prepare them for efficient use of this new educational tool, also by courtesy of Ericsson Nikola Tesla.


The Day of the Elementary School Nikola Tesla in Rijeka also featured the gift of the company Elektroprimorje, Rijeka - a statue of Nikola Tesla. The gathered guests, students and staff was greeted by the headmistress Nada Šubić-Bezenicki who thanked the donors for their kindness and understanding of the role of young generations in the country's future.


The investment in the young is considered in Ericsson Nikola Tesla to be a way into the development of the society. The company therefore strives to be recognized in Croatia as an organization oriented towards the new generations and as a role model investor in knowledge.

Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla