Ericsson Nikola Tesla's Family Day 2006 
This year's Family Day

Ericsson Nikola Tesla's Family Day 2006 that was held on September 9 gathered over 2000 employees, retired employees and members of their families and other company guests. The program was varied: there were sports activities, workshops with different topics, competitions, games, exhibitions, tournaments, etc.

 The main actors were the employees themselves, in particular young company's managers who demonstrated some exciting and unexpected talents. The fun was completed by the optimistic music of "The Telephone Blues Band" with their front men Walter Neugebauer, Branko Požgajec and Davorin Bogović and the final concert given by Jura Stublić and "The Film". The Children's Corner was particularly busy this year, with jugglers and acrobats taking over the command. Health care and eco workshops attracted a lot of attention, too.


Details can be seen in the photos that speak more clearly than words.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla