Ericsson Nikola Tesla at Call Center conference 
Expert user of Solidus e-Care solution

At the 11th Croatian Conference on Call Centers, that took place in Apis IT in Zagreb on 19th November, our company’s presentations were well-received by the audience consisting of more than two hundred participants.


The conference was supported by other traditional partners like Logos, Avaya, Connect Contact Center, Sedam IT and Optima OSN engineering, another proof of the conference’s relevance and usefulness.


Nataša Amin, ETK Solution Manager presented the newest Solidus e-Care solution. Željko Špes, head of IS/IT Unit in the Croatian Automobile Club, HAK, presented the solution implementation in HAK.


This manner of presentation captured the interest of the audience due to numerous actual improvements for a demanding user being shown. Turbulent environment of the internal and external HAK service requires a solution of the multimedia contact center that ensures an integration of existing applications, such as vehicle control and map service. The solution also ensures user segmentation, support for flexible agent operation and their mobility. The task of the contact center is, beside being a fully automated center, to provide to HAK users optimum service and availability at secure investment and safe future development.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla