The Minister of Health and Social Welfare Mr Darko Milinović, MD, and MSc Gordana Kovačević the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, informed the audience about the project. The Minister said that he was proud that such a sophisticated e-health system has been implemented in his department, and that it will for sure improve the life and business to all its users. He also pointed out that as the informatization of the healthcare system in Croatia is concerned, it shares the third place with the Great Britain, Sweden and Ireland, according to the research by the Health Consumer Powerhouse (HCP) with headquarters in Brussels, which monitors and analyses trends in the area of healthcare in Europe and Canada, since 2005. The president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla presented the solution by Ericsson Nikola Tesla on which the given new system is based. She especially stressed the welfare brought by such an advanced solution both for government institutions and the citizens of Croatia. This solution means huge savings in the relevant ministry, but also improvement in quality and efficiency of work, and as of the patients it means sorter waiting time, high reliability of data and greater satisfaction with healthcare services. The given facts, with the positive influence to the environment brought to the recognition of the given solution in the world, and was enlisted among top 25 global smart ICT solutions, according to the Report of the SMART 2020, independent non-profit organization The Climate Group and Global Initiative for e-sustainability.