The President of Croatia Visited Ericsson Nikola Tesla

The President of the Republic of Croatia DSc Ivo Josipovic and his associates paid a visit to Ericsson Nikola Tesla (ETK) in the second half of July. The president of the company MSC Gordana Kovačević, also being  a member of the Economy Council to the Croatian President, gave him warm reception and handed him in a company identification card. The atmosphere was friendly and open-hearted and the public interest was shown by the presence of the press covering the event.


The first part of this working visit the ETK president, with her associates, presented the company activities to the Croatian President and his delegation. The President of the Republic of Croatia paid attention to business performance of the company both in domestic and foreign markets. His interests were especially focused to projects realized by ETK in e-system segment (ICT for Industry and Society), like for example e-health and e-cadastre, etc. which considerably promote positive ICT impact to business performance, people and environment.


After the exchange of opinions on various topics, the prominent guest toured the company, where the host informed him about important ongoing activities and projects.

This was the opportunity to present the development projects in the segment of healthcare, which are considered Ericsson response to  growing demands and needs of the markets in that business segment.
The presentation covered the company solution for e-health system already implemented in the Croatian Healthcare National Information System (HNIS), as well as the solution for m-health system (Ericsson Mobile Health).

While visiting company units, the President met students, who were participants in the activities of the Summer Camp organized by Ericsson Nikola Tesla, which this summer was the 10 in a row. This summer camp was an example of an excellent cooperation between the company and the academic community.


It was obvious that the President was pleased with what he saw in ETK, and he was explicit in his statement given to the press. He said that he was glad that   Ericsson corporation recognized the Croatian company still in 1953, and since then such models of cooperation and interconnection were developed  that can be an example of best economy links set up between Sweden and Croatia. Also, he show respect with what ETK managed to achieve, especially as concerns the level of knowledge and competences of employees, business results and ways of working and managing. This all made it possible for the company to maintain stability in business performance during the times of crisis and was in fact a positive example to all in Croatia and abroad.


ETK president expressed thanks to the Croatian President for visiting the company, and especially referred to the current market situation and business conditions which have been pretty complex in Croatia, but have not been much more favorable in other countries too. Namely, we were witnessing the events that, by now, we had no experience with – from bankruptcy of some customers, restructuring of banks to many other negative tendencies. However, ETK president was proud to point out that the company, so far, has lost no strategic deal to the competitor, and the maturity and strength of the organization has been reflected in the fact that regardless of circumstances ETK has maintained stabile business performance and good business results.


Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Company Communications