Working areas tour
Balakovo Mayor Visited Ericsson Nikola Tesla

Olga Georgievna Mazunina, the mayor of a Russian town Balakovo, visited Zagreb with her associates. They spent several days in the capital of Croatia. Being interested in new technologies, especially solutions for industry and society, they visited  Ericsson Nikola Tesla.


Boris Drilo, the director for ICT for industry and society segment, presented them company projects and solutions in e-health segment. Ivan Barać, the sales and marketing director for CIS countries assisted in the company presentation.  Mr. Drilo underlined that the company offers a total portfolio in e-health segment. The offered products cover integrated hospital information system, networked healthcare systems and solutions for remote patient monitoring, Ericsson Mobile Health. The company is a competence and technology center for the given area. The delegation learned about great advantages offered by the healthcare system informatization, as well as about a list of benefits to medical professionals, and a society as a whole. The benefits range from improved services provided to patients to the advanced operation activities of the sector itself. For the achieved results in the given sector, the company has been awarded a number of recognitions and certificates, and one cannot avoid mentioning that, as of this segment achievements are concerned, Croatia is at the  3rd position in Europe for the informatization of a healthcare system. Of course, this is due to Ericsson Nikola Tesla, the company paying the major role in this healthcare informatization process. Afterwards, the hosts accompanied the delegation in paying tour of inspection of the company.  Mr  Roman Benić, the head for testing configuration management, presented the activities in the area of Testing Systems.

Ms Olga Georgievna Mazunina was very impressed and satisfied with the visit , and here are her words to confirm it: “Nikola Tesla was a great scientist. I believe that the company named after him, is also at such a high level in its operations and achievements. We saw a number of innovative technologies and systems, and we are interested in their implementation in Russian regions. The one that interests us most is the daily life improvement, such as healthcare system. 
E-Government solutions are also very interesting to us, but in the given area the implementation shall be arranged at the level of the whole Russia. I am glad the company has so many specialists and that the average  age of employees is 34. In our town, Balakovo, there are 6 institutions of high education, but young people go to Moscow for work. If we enter the project realization in the mentioned segment, this will mean new jobs in Balakovo for many young and educated persons. I would also like to add that I am impressed with beauties of Zagreb, but a visit to such an interesting company was a great pleasure too.“


Company Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla