Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 
A Multimedia Experience

Ericsson Nikola Tesla puts multimedia in focus of top regional operators

Ericsson Nikola Tesla announces a four day event entitled Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 - A Multimedia Experience to take place in Dubrovnik between April 14 and 17 that will offer a combination of sailing and multimedia experience, until now unseen in Croatia. Over a hundred CEOs and other high officials representing the most prominent Central European operators and representatives of Croatian enterprise providers have already confirmed their attendance at this event.


"We are very happy that during the Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 - A Multimedia Experience event we will be able to share with our customers our excitement about business opportunities offered by multimedia today. Ericsson has recognized the potential of growth within this area and an insatiable demand of the market for multimedia services. We wish to communicate this to our partners and discuss with them the role they wish to have in this new business segment, making it very clear to them that Ericson has both the competence and the strategy to make it happen", comments Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla.
