Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 
A Multimedia Experience

Guests very enthusiastic about the sailing-multimedia mix

A rare and exciting combination of sailing and a unique multimedia experience that was offered by Ericsson Nikola Tesla within the framework of the Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 - A Multimedia Experience attracted over a hundred CEOs and other high officials representing the most prominent Central European operators. This implies that the strongest regional ICT players have recognized the business potential opened by multimedia solutions and services.

Featuring the communications advantages provided today by multimedia the event aimed at making operators aware that they need to expand their service value chain beyond voice in order to remain in focus of their users. Today the consumer power in the ICT industry dictates the market trends that operators and providers of communications services need to respect. Hopefully, the Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 - A Multimedia Experience in Dubrovnik managed to make these messages clear.


Dubrovnik was one of the stops on the Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 which continues in other two Central European locations: Portorož, Slovenia between April 22 and April 24 and Sopot, Poland between June 16 and June 20.
