Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 
A Multimedia Experience

Welcome to Dubrovnik, Croatia

On the second day of the event Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 - A Multimedia Experience the program continues as planned: guests, high officials from most important operators and enterprise companies in Central Europe keep pouring into Dubrovnik in line with previously prepared schedule. They are welcomed by Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla:
"Thank you for joining us at the Ericsson Sailing Tour 2008 - A Multimedia Experience, an event aimed at inspiring you on how to grow your business in the multimedia domain. Today the media, Internet and telecom industries are coming together to form a new 'eco-system' with significant opportunities for different stakeholders. Consumers gain easy access to a diverse array of services, media providers have the opportunity to supply new content and infrastructure providers contribute differentiated and revenue-generating offerings. We are now facing the key challenge - finding our place in this new 'eco-system'."


An opportunity is today opened for a business growth by a converging information, communications and media industries, which forms the originating platform for multimedia. Ericsson has therefore broadened its portfolio to act as an enabler of new multimedia revenue-generating services and applications. With multimedia emphasized as one of its strategic focus areas Ericsson increased its sales in this segment by 14% in last year in comparison to 2006. Ericsson has a strong position in several multimedia areas - mobile platforms, service delivery platforms, and charging are all showing strong growth with healthy margins. IPTV, IMS and messaging are areas in which we are making significant investments. Furthermore, the relationship with Sony Ericsson provides a foundation for a strong business going forward. Ericsson's multimedia strategy applies to the enterprise market as well, with unified communications (i.e. across PCs, phones and mobile devices), IP based private branch exchanges and centrex solutions for operators serving the enterprise market.
