Ericsson Nikola Tesla at MIPRO 2008 
Round table discussion – „high noon“ for ICT

Despite an early morning schedule, the „Fortuna“ Hall was packed with audience for a  round table discussion „Multimedia as a driver for current communication service development“, organized by Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Croatian MIPRO Association. Obviously, interesting and attractive contents get attention without advertizing.

Current topic, interesting panelists, professional multimedia presentation and an experienced moderator (Ana Penović) encouraged the audience to actively participate in the discussion. Boris Drilo, ETK Innovation, Marketing and Portfolio Management Director and Mario Ravić, ETK Strategic Marketing manager, defined a multimedia eco system and the opportunities it provides primarily from the users' perspective. Neda Žužul Vitez, telecom research team leader at Gfk presented the latest data on the characteristics, habits and expectations of Croatian telecom service users. Dr. Sc. Vedran Mornar, the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and president of the MIPRO Association talked about the possible impact of the academic and scientific community on further multimedia development and its implementation in the education system. Dragan Ćuća, business television director, defined the needs of contemporary media houses and the problems they encounter. The audience was obviously intrigued by the developmental psychology issues relating to „digital natives“. Also, concrete answers were offered to a core question „Who should pay the costs?“


At the end of the session the audience had the opportunity to see live mobile blogging that took place during the round table discussion (please see link on the right side of the display) and mobile television.


Ericsson Nikola Tesla's specialists participated in the Telecommunication and IS/IT Session, led by Dr. Sc. Stjepan Golubić. For ETK papers presented in three conference sessions, please see links on the left side of the web site.


Communication Ericsson Nikola Tesla